Our values and Code of Conduct
Salisbury for Europe believes that:
- the people of these islands share with those who live on the wider continent and the world beyond, common, fundamental and inalienable rights, responsibilities, needs and aspirations.
- the shared cultural, historical, religious and humanist inheritance of the people of Europe should ensure that we continue to transcend our ancient divisions in order to forge a common destiny whilst respecting individual identities and the heritages of particular communities.
- EU member states, including the United Kingdom should act together as global champions of the values of liberty, democracy, equality, the rule of law and a respect for both human rights and our environment.
- citizens of the United Kingdom share a distinct responsibly and are uniquely placed to contribute to these aims, and that all will benefit immeasurably from the enthusiastic and leading participation of the UK in the European movement and its pursuit and protection of pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice and solidarity.
- the great political priority of our time must be to secure the continued membership of the UK in the European Union, and thereby guarantee a more peaceful, successful, inclusive, safe, equal, prosperous continent and global community.
- everyone in the UK should be offered the chance to decide democratically between continued membership of the EU and any terms of a UK exit that the government can present after it has exhausted its options through negotiation with our European partners.
- commits its members to the self-control, civility in public behaviour and courteous individual conduct that are essential in progressing its cause.
- accepts the right of individuals to dissent from its particular views and respects open and honest debate during campaigning and within organised meetings.
- will use a wide variety of means to engage with the public including leafleting, public information stalls, speakers, and rallies. In all of these S4E respects the law and strongly discourages expressions of anger, rudeness to individuals, invasion of ‘personal space’ and respects the rights of individuals not to engage.